From Pro-Life Corner:
The abortion mill landlord Wayne Webster, who seems to have a pathological hatred for Catholic Priests and has a history of skulking away from the abortion mill grounds when Priests are praying prayers of exorcism outside his killing center, was nowhere to be seen. In his absence he did leave some quite vulgar signs in his abortion mill windows attacking Priests.
On this day in Rockford, the presence of Christ through His Priests and His people could be tangibly felt and experienced outside the building where over 60,000 human beings have been murdered.
On this day in Rockford, Satan fled; Christians stood united in faith and love, and no children had to face a brutal, vicious death inside the Rockford abortion mill.
Those inside the Rockford abortion mill, who have used demonic symbols such as devils masks in its windows, rubber chickens on crucifixes, and signs mocking God and celebrating the deaths of children by abortion, folded under the spiritual power of these men of God.
Let us pray for these priests as well as other pro-lifers as they battle against the evils of Satan.
God bless them for the great work they are doing.
(I'm not anonymous, but Left-footer, Chris Wright. Sorry Google won't let me sign in.)
Hey Chris! It's good to "see" you!! Thanks for stopping by. Sorry it took me so long to respond as it happens I just returned from a short vacation. Hope all is well with you and your family.
This is an AWESOME Story... I know it got some "air time" on the blogs, but I really think this should have been made a bigger deal than it was!
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